Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Yes, I'm back whith a lot of good memories. I loved the Banff city and I realy want to go back. We didn't have enouth time to explore but there is definity a good place to expend time. I knew that the Rocky Montains are amaizing and we had a locky because the day was Perfect, No claunds if a beatiful SUN. After the gondolas we went in to a hot pool, that as pure relaxing time.
But what realy impress me as the quality of the hostel... ( better than a lots of Hotel in my contry)
The snowboar day was aweson, I was very nervous at the begning because I couldn't forget my last painful expereince. But after a fell run I got confident and got the chairs to the top of the world.

I'm realy happy to came back in one piece....

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Time go Fast

The time is going very fast, we have so many things to do but not too much time. There a lot things that I want to do here, i don't know the dowtown yet, yes I passed by but was so qickly.
I looking foward no know Banff i realy want be there, they said there is a beutiful place. I want to see whith my owm eyes, my friend sad that is a beultifull small city with a lot of torists an a lot of partys.. hehehe

Monday, February 11, 2008

English operation

I want to say that I m enjoying myself as Canadian student. Here in Calgary, it requires a lot of courage to deal with the winter, because it gets very cold here. But the best part of this experience is meeting people. Those came from a lot of different countries and different cultures. Another day someone said that like eat dogs (PET), I dont have any problem if that at all. If a knew that they taste good I could change a part of my life history, in effect, the life of an ex-love dog. I hated so much that animal.
So I was talking about the people who I meet here, specialy the Korean, the Arabian and the mexican gang, I like them so much.
The biggest event here in Alberta was snowbording in Sunshine Village, it was wonderfull but at the last moment I fell down at 60 km/h very hard over my shoulder. When I wake up after the accident I was convinced that I had broken my left shoulder. I was very nervous because i dont like hospital food, they never use salt on the food. Now 4 weeks after I m ready to do it again.
I start to enjoying the course now and I want to say thanks to my teacher who keep lieing about being single, she gives me a lot of motivation to come to the classes.

see you around,

Thursday, February 7, 2008

warming up

Hello 123 testing.... i hope this work's