Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Time go Fast

The time is going very fast, we have so many things to do but not too much time. There a lot things that I want to do here, i don't know the dowtown yet, yes I passed by but was so qickly.
I looking foward no know Banff i realy want be there, they said there is a beutiful place. I want to see whith my owm eyes, my friend sad that is a beultifull small city with a lot of torists an a lot of partys.. hehehe



i think so, time is going so fast while we weren't feeling.
have you never been to banff?
don't worry about that, you can go there next week if you don't have special works. i may go there.. but i'm not sure..

have a good and long weekend.

Kristi said...

Banff is a great place to visit. I used to live there a few years ago. Lots of amazing things to see and do. There's a night club in the downtown if you guys want to go dancing called Aurora. It's a lot of fun!!!

Sary said...

Hi Vitor!
I would like know more about this city. I only visited some shopping malls and museums. I would like to walk in the downtown, visit Edmonton and Banff too. If you make plans, let me know! =)

JIN said...

I think so~!
Time is very fast.
I've aleady been hear for 38days.
But I didn't do many things.
I hope to experience many things in Canada.

You can experince many things in Canada. Don't worry~! We can!!